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Input Quantize


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If you want a part to be quantized immediately after it's recorded, set your "thru" quantize value to what you want it to be. This is done by clicking on a blank area of the arrange window and setting the quantize value in the Inspector. From that point on, until you change this value, parts you play will be automatically quantized upon playback. And each region you record after this point will reflect this quantize value in the Inspector (click on the region and you'll see it).


This behavior is the equivalent of "quantize on input", but with a much greater advantage than other DAWs which do offer quantize-on-input --- your notes are never actually hard-quantized under this scheme. Logic always retains the original timing (and duration) of your notes. This means that you can easily add swing or change the quantization in realtime after-the-fact if you want.


It's also cool because if you liked the feel of what you played in, and the quantization makes the part too robotic, you can simply switch the quantize value to "off" for that region and hear your original timing. This kind of flexibility is lost on DAWs that actually quantize input notes.

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